Poboljšanje njege pacijenata putem optimizacije zdravstvenih usluga
“Ministarstvo zdravlja odobrilo Izveštaj o izvodljivosti zdravstvenog informacionog sistema. Ovaj plan ima za cilj da vodi dugoročnu konsolidaciju HIS-a i važna je referenca za ovu pilot dimenziju,” rekla je Dr. Besa Balidemaj-Llolluni, predsedavajuća Radne grupe o sistemu upućivanja između nivoa primarne i sekundarne zaštite.
At the closing session of the working group, the commitment and contribution of members in laying the solid foundations for the transformation of healthcare delivery were summarized. The Ministry of Health recognized the need for a robust referral system to enhance patient care and streamline healthcare services. With Istog main family medicine centre and the General Hospital of Peja as our pilot site, the working group has elaborated this critical project, focusing on mapping existing referral systems to identify gaps, reviewing and improving referral arrangements, assessing the HIS system for technical enhancements, exploring integration into the E-Kosova platform, crafting a comprehensive work plan for Year 1, and supporting the MoH in establishing a Community of Practice.
Radna grupa se sastoji od predstavnika ministarstava, zdravstvenih stručnjaka i tehničkih stručnjaka.