The General Hospital of Pejë/Peć provides secondary healthcare services for the population of the municipalities of Pejë/Peć, Istog/k, Klinë/a, and Deçan/Dečan, and others who are referred to this hospital.
The General Hospital of Pejë/Peć aims to further build and strengthen quality management systems that enable it to operate in compliance with the highest standards of health services in the country and at world level. In addition, it aims to achieve excellence through continuous improving of equal access to healthcare services, more accountability, continuous service quality management, continuous education, and undertaking the right steps to ensuring cost-effective methods.
The General Hospital of Pejë/Peć has the following units: gynecology-obstetrics, neonatology, pediatric unit, surgery, orthopedy, urology, ORL, ophthalmology, internal medicine, coronary unit, dermatology, infectious diseases, pneumo-physiology, neurology, dialysis, psychiatry, emergency internal surgery, intensive care, surgery rooms and anesthesia, lab, blood transfusion, RO cabinet, pharmacy, physiatry, and specialized clinics.
The General Hospital of Pejë/Peć has a capacity of 397 beds.
The General Hospital of Gjakovë/Djakovica provides secondary healthcare services for the population of the municipalities of Gjakovë/Djakovica, Rahovec/Orahovac, Malishevë/Mališevo, and Junik, and others who are referred to this hospital.
The General Hospital of Gjakovë/Djakovica is undertaking active steps towards achieving its goal of becoming a model of a regional reference center, which means to be a general hospital that aims to integrate the quality management standards and a multidisciplinary health services approach in its day-to-day operations. Human and professional capacities, and advanced medical technology are fundamental to achieving this goal, therefore the general hospital takes steps to meet the needs and requirements of patients in compliance with European standards and practices.
The General Hospital of Gjakovë/Djakovica has the following units: gynecology-obstetrics, neonatology, pediatric unit, surgery, urology, orthopedy, ophthalmology, ORL, anesthesia, intensive care, emergency, surgery, internal medicine, dermatology, infectious diseases, dialysis, neurology, psychiatry, lab, blood transfusion, physical therapy, radiology, pharmacy, pathology and morgue, and outpatient services.
The General Hospital of Gjakovë/Djakovica has a capacity of 409 beds.