New Kosovo-Swiss Cooperation to Increase Integration of Health Services in the Country
The Ministry of Health and Embassy of Switzerland join forces to improve the quality of care for patients with Non-Communicable Disease conditions in the General Hospitals of Gjakova and Peja.
On 24 March 2023, the Minister of Health Arben Vitia and the Ambassador of Switzerland to Kosovo Thomas Kolly signed the agreement that officially launches this new cooperation in the health sector.
The Integrated Health Services (IHS) project aims to contribute to the development of a sustainable healthcare system in Kosovo that offers qualitative, affordable, and integrated care at the secondary level for patients with Non-Communicable Diseases conditions.
Speaking at the launch ceremony, Minister Vitia said, “Through the Integrated Health Services project (IHS), as the newest initiative between the Ministry of Health of Kosovo and the Government of Switzerland, we aim the further development of health capacities that will focus on Non-Communicable Diseases that represent a global problem.”
The IHS project is another milestone in the extensive cooperation between the two countries in the health sector. The Ambassador of Switzerland to Kosovo Thomas Kolly underlined the commitment to contribute to strengthening the system, which ensures equitable access to quality health services to the population, particularly to the most vulnerable.
The IHS project is focused on improving the availability, quality and continuity of care for patients with non-communicable diseases (NCD) by strengthening related clinical, managerial and governance processes in the General Hospitals (GH) of Gjakova and Peja. IHS enhances coordination and referral between primary and secondary levels of care, and at national level, it supports stakeholders to develop and implement a policy framework that fosters patient-centred integrated care.
Funded by Switzerland with CHF 5.5 million for the period 2023-2026, the project will be implemented by national and regional institutions, with the support of the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute.