Training of Trainers on Best Practices of Diabetes Management
The five-day Training of Trainers on the Management of Diabetes Mellitus for Adults kicked off today with an engaging session focusing on adult learning principles, diagnosing, and differentiating between types of diabetes, promotion and education, and monitoring and self-management. Led by Dr. Merita Emini-Sadiku and her team, the training aims to equip health professionals with the skills needed to raise awareness about diabetes and to train their colleagues, who will in turn train other professionals in the future.
Adelina Puka, a nurse, and participant in the training, commented, “I liked the menu sample based on and calculated around nutrition values. The training material was easy to understand, and so was the trainer.”
This training course is based on the best practices of diabetes education and management for adults, tailored to the specific needs of professionals in Kosovo. It is also in conformity with updated guidelines and protocols for diabetes management.