IHS Project Third Steering Committee Meeting Convenes
On 30 April 2024, the Steering Committee of the Integrated Health Services (IHS) project met to analyse the project’s progress in the first year, and discuss the activities planned for the following period. Mr. Laurent Torche, Deputy Head of Swiss Cooperation Office in Kosovo, and Dr. Naim Bardiqi, General Secretary of the Ministry of Health, opened meeting.
Following detailed presentations by the technical team of the IHS projects about activities implemented in 2023 and impact achieved so far, and discussions about the material presented, the Steering Committee members unanimously endorsed the Annual Progress Report for 2023.
In his remarks, Dr. Bardiqi appreciated the approach of the IHS project, which is fully aligned with the national healthcare strategy and policies, operating in synergy with all partner institutions and their needs.
The meeting concluded with concrete plans for future actions, underscoring the project’s robust path forward.