Standardizing Nursing Operational Procedures
Supporting further development of nursing competences to promote health and improve quality and safety of care is key to meeting healthcare standards for the citizens of Kosovo.
To contribute to this objective, the Ministry of Health of Kosovo organized a two-day workshop on drafting the first manual on Standard Operating Procedures for Secondary and Tertiary Care in nursing. The workshop held on 24-25 May 2023 in Gjakova, is the first in a series of workshops and other activities that will result in the compilation of a manual on standard operating procedures for nursing. Some 18 participants in the workshop included doctors, nurses, lawyers, representatives of the Chamber of Nurses, and civil society. The mission of this working group appointed by the MOH is to continue strengthening and standardizing nursing practice.
The Integrated Health Services project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation supported the organization of this workshop, in line with its work in improving operationalization of Non-Communicable Diseases care pathways between selected General Hospitals and Primary Health Care facilities.