Chamber of Nurses, Midwives and Other Health Professionals of Kosovo Holds Two-Day Workshop on Strategic Development

On 27-28 September 2024, a group representing the Chamber of Nurses of Kosovo (CoNK), with IHS Project support, organized a two-day workshop aimed at developing a comprehensive organizational and advocacy strategy. The workshop was a key step in strengthening CoNK’s role in the healthcare sector, focusing on improving its internal processes and enhancing its ability to influence public policy.

To draft this strategy, IHS engaged experts who worked alongside with CoNK representtives to draft a strategic five-year plan and an advocacy strategy that align with national healthcare policies.

“The CoNK Assembly has just approved the Statute, which along these two documents are expected to advance our processes. I want to express my appreciation for the great work done and dedication shown by everyone these two days,” said Nexhmije Gori, President of the CoNK.

Key sessions included SWOT analysis, the development of a new vision and mission for CoNK, and stakeholder engagement to identify critical partners in advancing the nursing profession in Kosovo. The workshop also focused on equipping CoNK with advocacy tools to drive legislative changes and improve healthcare standards.