General Hospital of Peja Becomes Member of Health Promoting Hospitals Network
General Hospital of Peja has now joined the worldwide community of health promoting hospitals. At a ceremony organized in Peja on 5 March 2024, Prof. Dr. Oliver Gröne, CEO of the International HPH Secretariat awarded the certificate to the hospital director, Dr. Fazli Shala. The certificate is the result of the intensive engagement of the hospital management and staff to meet the standards of health promoting hospitals.
Speaking at the ceremony, General Secretary of the Ministry of Health of Kosovo, Dr. Naim Bardiqi, stated: “Today, we are here to congratulate the General Hospital of Peja for the great achievement in receiving the international certificate of Health Promoting Hospitals. Becoming an equal part of the global network brings the hospital to new levels in providing health services.”
Health promoting hospitals (HPH) are health care institutions that prioritize the promotion of health and well-being alongside traditional medical care. The process of GH of Peja membership to the HPH network was facilitated through the Integrated Health Services (IHS), a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in Kosovo.
“This certificate stands as testimony of the dedication of the General Hospital of Peja for continuous patient-centered improvement,” said Merita Mustafa from SDC, who emphasized that this engagement takes place within the framework of SDC’s support for the development of the healthcare sector health in Kosovo.
The meeting continued with the presentation by Prof. Dr. Oliver Gröne on the importance of comprehensive health promotion, exploring the concept of comprehensive health promotion, its components and impact on individual and community well-being.