General Hospital of Peja Promotes Health Education Areas
On 12 December 2023, representatives of the Swiss Development and Coorperation (SDC) visited the General Hospital of Peja where they had the opportunity to see the new health education areas being set up with the support of the Integrated Health Services (IHS) project. This activity supports new services addressing different needs of patients affected by NCD conditons. During the visit, participants had the chance to explore key IHS-related inputs within the hospital level of care and exchange on the activities that has started in IHS first year of implementation.
The Director of GH Peja, Dr. Fazli Shala reiterated the support given to specific services for NCD patients where he emphasised the hospital’s commitment to co-contribute with IHS resources. Patients’ activating is considered one of the most cost – efficient interventions, helping patients better manage the disasese by preventing its complications. New health promoting venues will try to inspire long-standing behaviour change, by introducing best evidences on health promotion and health education. The activities target both type of patients: inpatients and outpations through establishment of two rooms for each patients’ category.
This field visit was officiated by Mr. Lauren Torche, Deputy Head of Cooperation, First Secretary Embassy of Switzerland, who congratulated the hospital staff on their enthusiasm and expressed his confidence that the project’s driven activities will follow adherence to sustainability criteria and meticulous documentation of the achievements.